509 Moreleta Street, Silverton Pretoria, South Africa +27 61 536 9749 info@armofgod.tv

About Us

About Us

Arm of God

Apostolic Revival Mission, is a mission which is born of God by the spirit of God, after many years of serving God through other ministries, God call the man of God out in the year 2021 to be separated for a special assignment and he give him the name Apostolic Revival Mission the main gold is to lead God people back to God through the teaching of Jesus Christ, (Acts 4:32-37)

Holiness is our focus without holiness no one will see God, God has call us to restore the fear of God back into the heart of his people and to prepare God people to meet their maker after life here on earth (Hebrews 12:14) And Our message will be run on our YouTube and Facebook channel ARM OF GOD TV

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+27 61 536 9749

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Our Belief

We belief in the holy bible as a medium of God and we belief that the words of God recorded in the bible is very word speaking to mankind’s, as the holy bible say holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. (2 peter 1:21) Our belief is that God created the world and he places man on the face of the earth and give man dominion over the affairs of the earth and man lost that dominion to the devil and God so love the world that he send his one and only begotten son (Jesus Christ) to died and restored that dominion back to man, after he has accomplish that task from the father he return home and promises to come back again to take us home ( heaven) until then; he had send us the helper, the Holy Spirit to be with us forever, to help us, to teach us, and to comfort us in time of trails, (Genesis 1:26-30) (2 Corinthians 5:18-21) We belief that everyone who hears the words of God and accept the words (teaching) must be baptism into Christ Jesus, according to the teaching of Jesus Christ in (John 3:5) our belief is that, except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God, the water that Jesus is referring hire is the words of God and the spirit of God will come into that person who believe in the teaching of Jesus Christ, through the laying of hands or through impartation or as the spirit will, (Ephesians 5:26) we also believe in water baptism as a symbol of one’s death to sin and total trust in our Lord Jesus Christ, as well as a commitment to live faithfully to Him (God) we also express unity with all the believer all over the world together as one body in Christ Jesus (Romans 6:3-6) (Ephesians 2:19), we believe in the father, son and the holy spirit, the three agree in everything

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Dedicated To Uplifiting The Community

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509 Moreleta Street, Silverton Pretoria, South Africa


061 536 9749

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